Is NMN well absorbed as oral capsules? Is there anything I should know about NMN in capsule form?

NMN research uses regular, powdered NMN – not sublingual, not liposomal. From these studies, we can arrive at dosages that demonstrate favorable health outcomes, regardless of what percentage of that oral dosage is absorbed. That is ultimately what’s important to know. And that dosage, where benefits are seen, is 250 mg. Some, like Harvard Dr. David Sinclair, may go as far as 1 gram with his NMN dosage. NOVOS Boost enables you to easily reach either of these dosages and everything in between.

We have a number of issues with liposomal delivery of NMN. First, the amount that is absorbed is likely significantly higher than regular NMN. This may sound good at first, but if 250 mg of liposomal NMN provides 6x (1.5 g) or 10x (2.5 g) greater absorption, there may be negative effects that accumulate at dosages that high. Remember, studies demonstrating benefits are at much lower dosages and with regular NMN.

Next, liposomal delivery does not only mean greater uptake into the bloodstream, it also means greater absorption at a cellular level. This is typically touted by brands as a pro, and at first this may sound good, but it is not necessarily. The human body is very smart in determining how much of a specific molecule it wants to absorb, all the way down to the organ and cell. This homeostatic process is disrupted with liposomes. In other words, cells that may not ordinarily absorb the NMN will be forced to do so, as well as cells that would otherwise absorb less, now have more. And we all know the adage, the dose makes the poison; NMN is no exception to the U-shaped dose-response curve.

It’s oftentimes tempting to go with the “high-tech” solution or something that sounds better at first because of absorption characteristics, but when it comes to biology, it’s not that simple. At NOVOS, we first want to do no harm, and as such, we are basing our NMN form factor and dosage on the published research and associated safety, not on a simplistic perspective of “more is better.”

You can get NOVOS Boost HERE to get high-purity (> 99%) NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), which aims to support energy, metabolism, and cognition as you age.

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